UNIDRILL new batch of 394-4*14.5 interlocking kelly bar has been finished production and ready for delivery. For more UNIDRILL kelly bar production and construction site pictures, please contact us freely ( sales@unikelly.com ) ...
Size of the above kelly bar is 377-4*10m, interlocking kelly bar, yellow color, this kelly bar will be deliveried to one of our overseas client. This client has been keeping order kelly bars from UNIDRILL ke...
UNIDRILL interlocking kelly bar for bore pile drilling job in construction. The engineering builder knows that good drilling tools, eg, kelly bars, drilling buckets, usually play important roles during foundation construction. UNIDRILL kelly bar c...
New batch of UNIDRILL kelly bar has been ready for ship, the sizes are 368mm, 419mm, 470mm, all are interlocking kelly bars ordered by overseas markets. They will be used for foundation construction at client's jobsite, and to assist the engineeri...
Unidrill manufactures this lovely pink kelly bar according to customer requirements. Unidrll would like to compelet the customized service by your wishes, if you have any needs for our Kelly Bars. Unidrill not only provides customerized service...
These 22 interlocking kelly bars have been packed well, and they have arrived at seaport. They will be delivered to North Africa in this night. One of our kelly bars and drilling buckets agent in North Africa ordered these kelly bars, there...
UNIDRILL kelly bar factory OEM pink interlocking kelly bar Kelly bars in the above picture, one is white, one is pink, are the kelly bars required by one of our kelly bar customers. They have finished painting, and they will be ...
Words can't tell how much father means to everyone,we wish each father happiness on this special day! Drillmaster is the headquarter of UNIMATE&UNIDRILL.
As a 10+ years kelly bar and drilling buckets tools manufacturer, we would like to introduce the top 3 problems with kelly bar drilling buckets. What are the top 3 problems with kelly bar bored piles drilling buckets are and how to solve th...
To our UNIDRILL kelly bar factory, to well guarantee the kelly bar quality we manufacture, there will be 2 facade quality control, we would like to introduce to each of our clients how we do these kelly bar quality control job. Firstly, we w...